Monday, September 28, 2009

Trent Franks: Obama Should Release His Long-Form Birth Certificate (VIDEO)

I've never seen my own long-form birth certificate and haven't seen anyone else's either. This is much ado about nothing. Rep Franks, do you really believe President Obama would have been allowed to enter the race for president if he weren't a citizen? Don't you think his Democratic opponents investigated this? Don't you think he wouldn't have been nominated if he weren't a natural born citizen? Don't you think this would've been discovered before now? Rep. Franks, don't you think or are you raising this moot point to score political points with the ever shrinking GOP base?
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Obama Facebook Poll Asking "Should Obama Be Killed?" Pulled From Site (PHOTOS)

Assassination (or the threat of it) is no laughing matter. I hope the perpetrator is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. As Special Agent Frank Horrigan (Clint Eastwood) said "In The Line of Fire", "It's a federal offense to threaten the President. You could go to jail, even if you don't mean it. "
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Friday, September 25, 2009

Republicans and the Art of Racism

1984 has arrived. Up is down and down is up. Calling someone (correctly) on their racism means you're the racist. What I've seen this year leads me to believe the GOP and their ideas are losing traction with the general public; approximately twentysomething percent self identify as Republican - why is that? Not all Republicans are racist, in fact, the vast majority aren't. The one thing that troubles me is that we don't hear moderate Republicans condemning Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Coulter, Malkin, and their ilk. Their silence is deafening. There's a saying about that, "Silence is consent." It's also been said that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Presidents Clinton and Carter were right - it's particularly telling when southern white males who lived through Jim Crow call someone a racist. It's perfectly acceptable to disagree with President Obama and not be racist. If you have a genuine policy disagreement, please state it (no FOX talking points) AND a reasonable alternative - tax cuts and vouchers are not a reasonable alternative, trickle down economics doesn't work. I believe President George H W Bush called it "voodoo economics" when he ran against Reagan back in 1980. The GOP's current strategy of obstruction, opposition, and obfuscation is bad for the country they claim to love so much.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

CBO Director Throws Another Wrench Into Health Care Debate

It appears the CBO can't see the forest for the trees. The overall principle behind universal healthcare isn't cost, it's access to care, establishing a relationship with a physician and improving quality of life. Healthier people live longer and collect more in Social Security, however by virtue of being healthier and living longer, healthy people work longer and pay more in taxes which fund government programs we all use.
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Steve King: Gay Marriage Is "Socialism"

If you paid attention in high school, you probably know this already but if you didn't here's a refresher:

Socialism - a political theory advocating state ownership of industry

an economic system based on state ownership of capital


Nowhere is gay marriage mentioned in that definition. Any questions?
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Monday, September 21, 2009

Roy Blunt (R-MO) Tells Racism-Tinged Monkey Joke at DC Conference

MEMO TO THE GOP: It is racist to compare black people to monkeys, apes, and other primates. In the name of decent people everywhere, I toss the gauntlet at the feet of ignorance and say monkey jokes are racist today, racist tomorrow, and racist forever.

I eagerly await Mr. Steele's denunciation of this.
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Friday, September 18, 2009

GOP Leadership Worried About Damage To Party's Reputation From Base

Memo to GOP leadership: Don't waste time worrying whether Rep. Bachmann has damaged your party as that ship has sailed and your party is damaged. In her defense, she is not the only reason your brand is tarnished. Time and space don't permit listing all the reasons for your current state. The top 10 are as follows:

1. Rush Limbaugh and the Rush wannabes on talk radio.

2. Birthers, deathers, teabaggers, czarers, et al.

3. No real ideas

4. This summer's town hall shenanigans

5. Lack of a coherent message.

6. Mrs Palin.

7. Your obstructionist stance.

8. Your refusal to denounce the radical fringe within your own party.

9. Rep. Bachmann

10. Rep. Wilson
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Please Mr. President, More "Jackass" Outbursts

To me, President Obama is in a similar situation Jackie Robinson was in when he broke the color line in Major League Baseball. Jackie was not the best player in the Negro Leagues, he had the temperament necessary to deal with the abuse he would receive. As the first black President of the United States, he is subjected to a great deal of abuse simply because of the color of his skin as was Mr Robinson when he broke the color line. I'm sure there were some who wanted Jackie to "stand up" for himself and fight back, however, had he done so, he would have been branded an "angry black man", banned from baseball and integration would have been further delayed. Similarly, there are those as evidenced by previous posts, want President Obama to "stop being Mr. Nice Guy", or "get black" - whatever that means, on the segment of the population that has issues with his skin color. What they fail to realize, is that doing so would cause him to be written off as an angry black man for the rest of his presidency and marginalized as such. It takes more strength of character and courage to respond as President Obama does than to react in anger. Personally, I think our current situation calls for careful and thoughtful deliberation rather than reflexive, knee-jerk, shoot from the hip cowboy antics.
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"Tea Party" Leader Melts Down On CNN: Obama Is An "Indonesian Muslim Turned Welfare Thug" (VIDEO)

Mr Williams would do well to remember these words: "It is better to be thought a fool in silence than to speak and remove all doubt."

This is not a simple policy disagreement, this is racism, bigotry, and prejudice.
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Breach of Discipline

Excellent article.
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Josh Bowman: Man With Gun Arrested Near Capitol During Obama Speech

This has got to stop before someone gets hurt. Enough is enough.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rep. Joe Wilson Yells Out "You Lie!" During Obama Health Care Speech (VIDEO)

Joe Wilson disgraced his office, the House Chamber, and showed an astonishing lack of respect for the office of the President of the United States and our current president, Barack Obama. Democrats and Republicans alike should immediately denounce his action and demand an apology to President Obama, his fellow Congressmen and Senators, and the American People. Summer recess is over and it's time to be about the people's business.
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