Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rush Loses Rams Bid, Rest of Us Just Lose

The rest of us haven't lost anything as a result of Rush being sacked as a prospective NFL owner. Owning a team in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. He was sacked because of his racist on-air behavior. The Rams play a venue which was built with public funds, their games are broadcast on network and cable television which is watched by the general public, and they market to the St. Louis metropolitan area and the rest of the country in conjunction with the NFL - this gives the general public a say in the matter. Rush's conduct is fair game because as a prospective owner, his conduct reflects on the league. Rush loses and we win - the message is that there are consequences for spewing irresponsible, ill-conceived, hateful, racist rhetoric on a daily basis for the last 20 years.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, September 28, 2009

Trent Franks: Obama Should Release His Long-Form Birth Certificate (VIDEO)

I've never seen my own long-form birth certificate and haven't seen anyone else's either. This is much ado about nothing. Rep Franks, do you really believe President Obama would have been allowed to enter the race for president if he weren't a citizen? Don't you think his Democratic opponents investigated this? Don't you think he wouldn't have been nominated if he weren't a natural born citizen? Don't you think this would've been discovered before now? Rep. Franks, don't you think or are you raising this moot point to score political points with the ever shrinking GOP base?
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Obama Facebook Poll Asking "Should Obama Be Killed?" Pulled From Site (PHOTOS)

Assassination (or the threat of it) is no laughing matter. I hope the perpetrator is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. As Special Agent Frank Horrigan (Clint Eastwood) said "In The Line of Fire", "It's a federal offense to threaten the President. You could go to jail, even if you don't mean it. "
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Friday, September 25, 2009

Republicans and the Art of Racism

1984 has arrived. Up is down and down is up. Calling someone (correctly) on their racism means you're the racist. What I've seen this year leads me to believe the GOP and their ideas are losing traction with the general public; approximately twentysomething percent self identify as Republican - why is that? Not all Republicans are racist, in fact, the vast majority aren't. The one thing that troubles me is that we don't hear moderate Republicans condemning Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Coulter, Malkin, and their ilk. Their silence is deafening. There's a saying about that, "Silence is consent." It's also been said that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Presidents Clinton and Carter were right - it's particularly telling when southern white males who lived through Jim Crow call someone a racist. It's perfectly acceptable to disagree with President Obama and not be racist. If you have a genuine policy disagreement, please state it (no FOX talking points) AND a reasonable alternative - tax cuts and vouchers are not a reasonable alternative, trickle down economics doesn't work. I believe President George H W Bush called it "voodoo economics" when he ran against Reagan back in 1980. The GOP's current strategy of obstruction, opposition, and obfuscation is bad for the country they claim to love so much.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

CBO Director Throws Another Wrench Into Health Care Debate

It appears the CBO can't see the forest for the trees. The overall principle behind universal healthcare isn't cost, it's access to care, establishing a relationship with a physician and improving quality of life. Healthier people live longer and collect more in Social Security, however by virtue of being healthier and living longer, healthy people work longer and pay more in taxes which fund government programs we all use.
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Steve King: Gay Marriage Is "Socialism"

If you paid attention in high school, you probably know this already but if you didn't here's a refresher:

Socialism - a political theory advocating state ownership of industry

an economic system based on state ownership of capital


Nowhere is gay marriage mentioned in that definition. Any questions?
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Monday, September 21, 2009

Roy Blunt (R-MO) Tells Racism-Tinged Monkey Joke at DC Conference

MEMO TO THE GOP: It is racist to compare black people to monkeys, apes, and other primates. In the name of decent people everywhere, I toss the gauntlet at the feet of ignorance and say monkey jokes are racist today, racist tomorrow, and racist forever.

I eagerly await Mr. Steele's denunciation of this.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, September 18, 2009

GOP Leadership Worried About Damage To Party's Reputation From Base

Memo to GOP leadership: Don't waste time worrying whether Rep. Bachmann has damaged your party as that ship has sailed and your party is damaged. In her defense, she is not the only reason your brand is tarnished. Time and space don't permit listing all the reasons for your current state. The top 10 are as follows:

1. Rush Limbaugh and the Rush wannabes on talk radio.

2. Birthers, deathers, teabaggers, czarers, et al.

3. No real ideas

4. This summer's town hall shenanigans

5. Lack of a coherent message.

6. Mrs Palin.

7. Your obstructionist stance.

8. Your refusal to denounce the radical fringe within your own party.

9. Rep. Bachmann

10. Rep. Wilson
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Please Mr. President, More "Jackass" Outbursts

To me, President Obama is in a similar situation Jackie Robinson was in when he broke the color line in Major League Baseball. Jackie was not the best player in the Negro Leagues, he had the temperament necessary to deal with the abuse he would receive. As the first black President of the United States, he is subjected to a great deal of abuse simply because of the color of his skin as was Mr Robinson when he broke the color line. I'm sure there were some who wanted Jackie to "stand up" for himself and fight back, however, had he done so, he would have been branded an "angry black man", banned from baseball and integration would have been further delayed. Similarly, there are those as evidenced by previous posts, want President Obama to "stop being Mr. Nice Guy", or "get black" - whatever that means, on the segment of the population that has issues with his skin color. What they fail to realize, is that doing so would cause him to be written off as an angry black man for the rest of his presidency and marginalized as such. It takes more strength of character and courage to respond as President Obama does than to react in anger. Personally, I think our current situation calls for careful and thoughtful deliberation rather than reflexive, knee-jerk, shoot from the hip cowboy antics.
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"Tea Party" Leader Melts Down On CNN: Obama Is An "Indonesian Muslim Turned Welfare Thug" (VIDEO)

Mr Williams would do well to remember these words: "It is better to be thought a fool in silence than to speak and remove all doubt."

This is not a simple policy disagreement, this is racism, bigotry, and prejudice.
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Breach of Discipline

Excellent article.
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Josh Bowman: Man With Gun Arrested Near Capitol During Obama Speech

This has got to stop before someone gets hurt. Enough is enough.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rep. Joe Wilson Yells Out "You Lie!" During Obama Health Care Speech (VIDEO)

Joe Wilson disgraced his office, the House Chamber, and showed an astonishing lack of respect for the office of the President of the United States and our current president, Barack Obama. Democrats and Republicans alike should immediately denounce his action and demand an apology to President Obama, his fellow Congressmen and Senators, and the American People. Summer recess is over and it's time to be about the people's business.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, August 14, 2009

Grassley Voted For So-Called "Death Panel" In 2003

I guess he was for it before he was against it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Grassley Endorses "Death Panel" Rumor: "You Have Every Right To Fear"

Senator you should know better than to yell 'FIRE" in a crowded theater. The "Death Panel" rumor has been thoroughly disbunked by two of your fellow Republican senators (Murkowski - AL, and Isaakson - GA) the media (except FOX Noise) and Democrats. Senator you are playing with fire, you are intentionally stoking the irrational and delusional fears of an already agitated, irrational, unruly mob. For what, scoring political points at the expense of those without health insurance? You sir, are disgrace to the Senate. I sincerely hope the voters of Iowa relieve you of duty at their earliest convenience.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Financial Times Columnist: Obama Like Felix The Cat — Black And Lucky

I don't know Mr Ferguson personally, so I can't say what's in his heart. However, having read the entire article, I belive Mr Ferguson acted stupidly by comparing President Obama to Felix the Cat. I would think that someone who graduated with a first-class honours degree as he did would know better than to compare a black man to an animal. There is a long, sad, racist history of comparing black men to animals (buck, bull, stud, etc). Someone as educated as Mr Ferguson should know better than to make such an asinine comparison. The comparison in the lede of his column distracts from an otherwise thoughtful and reasoned opinion. It has become painfully obvious that America is not post-racial just because we elected a black president.
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Gabrielle Giffords Town Hall: Gun Left Behind

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking, please fasten your seatbelts and return your seatbacks and tray tables to the upright and locked position as the handbasket makes its final descent into hell. Thank you for flying Hellinahandbasket Airlines.
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Conservative Activist Gets In Fight At Health Care Town Hall

Irony - A conservative activist protesting health care reform gets into a fight during said protest, gets injured during the fracas and proceeds to solicit donations to offset his medical expenses because he doesn't have health insurance.

This is rich, you can't make this stuff up.
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Friday, August 7, 2009

Palin: Obama's "Death Panel" Could Kill My Down Syndrome Baby

The so-called "death panel" is evil and fictional. So Sarah, in honor of the uninsured, why don't you stop making things up!
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White House Warns Rush: Nazi Talk Puts You On "Thin Ice"

Good call. I'm glad the White House hit back and hit back hard. His rhetoric is irresponsible and borders on treason. It's never correct to call someone a Nazi. It was wrong for the left to call Bush a Nazi and it's wrong to call Obama a Nazi. It's also wrong to suggest that someone should poison the Speaker of House as Mr Beck did recently. It's ok to disagree, but to "joke" about bodily harm or killing someone whom you disagree with is wrong. Come on people, we're better than this.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Pelosi Protesters, Including Kid In Stroller, Compare Obama To Hitler

We really need to teach civics and world history in our schools because the sign the child in the stroller is wrong: The Swastika was the symbol of Nazi Germany. The Fascist symbol is a bundle of sticks with an axe. The least the parents could have done was to make a historically correct sign.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Don't Ask A Thought-Provoking Question If You Don't Want A Thoughtful Answer

Last Saturday night, during the Miss USA pageant, Carrie Prejean, Miss California, was asked if more states should follow the lead of Vermont and Iowa and adopt same sex marriage. A serious, thoughtful question that demands a serious thoughtful answer. Miss Prejean gave her honest opinion and said marriage is between a man and a woman; a view shared by our current president, vice president, Secrectary of State, and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, who signed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. Her honesty likely cost her the Miss USA crown.

Regardless of your position on this hot-button issue, you have to respect this young woman for giving an honest answer instead of dancing around the question. Perez Hilton, the openly gay celebrity blogger/judge who asked the question was offended by the answer. Since the pageant aired, he has not missed an opportunity to slam Ms Prejean for her answer. Mr Hilton would do well to remember that name calling is neither a persuavive arguement nor an effective tool to advance your agenda.

The Ancient Greeks did not require a specific civil ceremony, a man and woman mutally decided to regard themselves as husband and wife. Likewise, the Romans had neither marriage ceremony nor a decree of divorce, all that was required was mutual agreement. There was no state involvement in marriage in Protestant Europe until the 1600's. The Council of Trent in 1545 decreed a Catholic marriage must be performed by a priest and two witnesses. The Council also issued a 1566 Catechism which defined marriage as a conjugal union between a man and a woman. John Calvin and his Protestant colleagues enacted the Marriage Ordinance of Geneva which said that marriage must be registered by the state and consecrated by the church in order to be valid. These are consistent with the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

This issue is bigger than a beauty pageant contestant and a celebrity blogger and deserves more thoughtful debate, consideration, and respect from all involved.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Taxes, Irony, Patriotism, & Secession

During the campaign, President Obama was vilified for his insufficient (for some) love of America and Mrs. Obama was blasted for saying the 2008 was the first time she could remember being really proud of her country.  This past week, Texas Gov. Rick Perry suggested that Texas could one day get fed up and secede from the US as a crowd of supporters at a Tax Day Tea Party chanted "Secede" while waving American flags.  That my friends, is the definition of irony -  a bunch of people whose taxes have been lowered claiming to be taxed too much chanting "Secede" while waving an American flag.  

The patriotism of anyone willing to endure the hardships of a modern presidential election is beyond question.  Advocating secession is grounds for questioning one's patriotism.  

As an aside, Texas gets back approximately $.80 cents of every tax dollar they send to Washington. Alaska, home to a secessionist movement itself, gets $1.84 cents of every dollar they send to Washington.  Those are what I would call welfare states. With investment returns like that, why secede?  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Government Is Not A Business

It has been said that government should be run like a business. Businesses cut back in lean times to stay open, so why shouldn't government cut taxes in lean times? This makes sense on the surface, but this ignores fundamental differences in the very nature of business and government.

A business provides a good or service in exchange for money and exists to turn a profit.

Government exists to protect its citizens, provide for the common defense, regulate commerce, and provide for those who cannot help themselves.

A business is allowed to market itself and to an extent, can pick and choose its customers by dint of their location and the price they charge for their goods and services. A business is also susceptible to competition from other businesses and the invisible hand of the market. A good business will survive and a bad business will fail. A business cannot operate at a loss for very long – it will cease to exist if there is no infusion of capital to make it solvent.

Government cannot pick and choose its customers; it must serve all its citizens without passion or prejudice. Government provides services such as roads, schools, police, fire, and military protection that the private sector simply cannot or will not provide. Government is tasked with regulating commerce so that the general public will be protected from unscrupulous businesses. Government also insures a peaceful society through a fair and impartial criminal justice system. Government can engage in deficit spending through the sale of bonds. Granted, this is not an ideal situation but is sometimes necessary in order for government to continue governing.

A business can raise money by increasing their prices and in lean times, cut costs in order to stay in business. Government raises money through taxation in order to provide services to its citizens. Cutting taxes means reducing services – services like national defense, police and fire protection, education, homeland security, environmental regulation, criminal justice, and so forth. Which of the aforementioned services is a luxury in today’s economy?

The corporation as a psychopath

Would you be friends with a person who behaves in an antisocial manner and only acts in his own self interest with no regard for the consequences of his actions and without considering the adverse effect of his antisocial behavior on other people?
What do you call a person who has gets satisfaction through antisocial behavior and has no remorse for his actions?
What would you do with a person who deliberately breaks the law and rationalizes it by saying it’s cheaper to break the law rather than comply with it?
Would you let a friend eat your food, trash your home, and pollute the air in your home despite your pleas to the contrary?

A person who behaves in an antisocial manner and only acts in his own self interest with no regard for the consequences of his actions and without considering the adverse effect of his antisocial behavior on other people is by definition a psychopath. That's not someone you would want as a friend. Yet there is legal precedent for allowing corporations to behave in such a manner.
A person who deliberately breaks the law and rationalizes it by saying it's cheaper to break the law rather than comply with it would be in serious jeopardy of losing his freedom. Corporations do this very thing and receive little more than a slap on the wrist. Corporations use a cost/benefit analysis to decide whether to obey environmental and safety regulations or risk being caught and being punished. If it costs too much to comply with regulations, they simply don't comply because they are beholden to their shareholders and not the government. The only directive a corporation has is to make money for its shareholders. This is why corporations can get away with polluting the air and contaminating our waters - they claim it costs too much to comply with the regulations. A person acting in this manner would be jailed, however, corporations are rarely held accountable for this same behavior.

Since it's highly unlikely that corporations will be legislated out of existence, they are considered persons under the law, we need to hit them where it hurts - their wallet. Increased the penalties for noncompliance so that non-compliance is more expensive than compliance then there will be a corresponding change in corporate behavior. Corporations will care about the environment when it benefits their bottom line.

Tax Day

It's been said that freedom isn't free - that's something almost all of us can agree on.  Our freedom came at great cost.  The cost being the lives of brave men and women who fought and died so that we might live in a free country.

Living in a civilized society isn't free either, that price must be paid in taxes.  Without taxes, we wouldn't have roads, schools, utilities, water and sewer service,  police protection, fire protection, military protection, higher education, federal insurance of bank deposits,  and other government services like driver's licences and social security.  Today is April 15, also known as tax day - no one likes paying taxes, however, what kind of country would we have if we didn't have taxes?  How would we pay for roads and schools?  Who would protect us from crime?  Would we have bucket brigades to fight fires?  Who would defend the country?  

I recently came across a statement in a book I'm reading that said no one is a self made man, he is building on the work of others.  Donald Trump didn't start from scratch, he built up the company his father started. Yahoo and Google didn't invent the internet, scientists in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's  laid the foundation of today's internet.  How were thoses scientists funded?  Taxes.  Everyone has an obligation to give back to help future generations, taxes are a means to achieve that end. If we didn't have taxes, we wouldn't have government.  Without government, we would descend into anarchy, chaos, and lawlessness.  As mauch as I dislike taxes, I dislike anarchy, chaos, and lawlessness more.  

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to Win an Election

My dad once told me that a third of the people are democrats, a third are republican, and a third are independent. In order to win an election, you have to win a majority of the independent vote. The Republican Party would do well to remember this. Recent statements (i.e. wanting the President and/or his policies to fail) made by several prominent Republicans play well with their base; however, those statements alienate moderates and independents. For Republicans to have electoral success in 2010 and thereafter, they need to broaden their appeal and promote ideological diversity. The question is will they do it?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Memo to AIG

Jim Croce sang: "You don't spit into the wind, you don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with Jim." I would add to that - you don't sue the IRS.

For those who haven't heard, AIG leaders in their finite wisdom, are suing the IRS for $306 million in back taxes. The same American International Group (AIG) that is being kept afloat by a $170 billion dollar government bailout has now decided they were overtaxed by the government to the tune of $306 million dollars. The leadership was so aggrieved by the government's alleged over taxation, they asked that the government pay their court costs and attorney fees. That's chutzpah! What lead their leaders to believe this was good idea? Suing the IRS is not a smart move, it only ensures that every AIG employee from the CEO to the mail room clerks will be audited for the next 10 years. In addition to that, the audits will also be retroactive for the last 7 years. Congratulations and good luck with that!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cool Under Fire

Just an New York Times op-ed piece chastising President Obama for not being angry enough for the writer's taste.  Mr Obama said he was angry but that doesn't seem to be good enough for some at the NYT.  What would they have him do, throw a tantrum worthy of Senator McCain?  What they fail to realize is if President Obama were to do that, he would be dismissed as an angry black man and be the butt of late night jokes for the remainder of his term.  Mr Obama was elected in part because of his calm, competent demeanor and cool under fire.  At this point in time, we don't need a raving madman or incompetent cowboy as president; we've been there and done that, thank you.   Considering the gravity of our situation, anger is justified, however, that energy must be channeled into developing solutions instead of venting for the nearest TV camera. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Should we nationalize our banks?

According to Dilbert, the comic strip, companies are run for the benefit of the shareholders, not the employees.  In that vein, it would seem that banks are run for the benefit of their shareholders, not the general public.   Those who oppose nationalizing our failed banking system argue that nationalization would wipe out their investments.  These are the same shareholders who sat by idly while the senior executives ran banks into the ground.  Should we really care if they lose their money?  Many of our fellow citizens are unemployed or going without pay raises because of our current economy - do they care if the investor class loses a few million? Our current mess is due in no small part to the deregulation of the banking industry.  Capitalism and the free market helped make America the nation it is today, however, letting banks operate without government oversight is like giving whisky, money, and car keys to teenage boys. 

Maybe it's time we looked into nationalizing our banks.  

Just say no?

In his visit to Africa, Pope Benedict XVI said the use of condoms is wrong and that condoms are not the answer to combating the spread of HIV/AIDS on the continent. The pontiff called for marital fidelity and abstinence instead, saying condoms contributed to the problem. According to UN figures from 2007, 22 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV - this is one fifth of the global total.

In light of that number, it would seem fairly obvious that marital fidelity and abstinence alone are not combating the spread of HIV/AIDS. Marital fidelity and abstinence are ideal, however, some people of their own free will choose to go a different route. These people need to be taught how to properly use condoms. Public health data indicate that proper and consistent use of condoms is highly effective in preventing HIV transmission. Studies also indicate that comprehensive sex education is more effective in preventing STD transmission than abstinence only education.

Condoms aren't part of the problem, they're part of the solution along with comprehensive sex education in Africa and the rest of the world.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bonus babies and AIG. Today we call it a bailout, tomorrow, we'll call it why daddy went to jail.

Recently, 73 AIG executives including 11 who no longer work there were paid $1million each in bonuses.   This begs the question why give bonuses to people who run a company into the ground? Historically, bonuses were a reward for exemplary performance, going above and beyond the call of duty.   When did it become de rigueur to reward mediocrity and outright incompetence?  Running a company into the ground does not qualify as exemplary performance.   AIG was in such dire straits, that they accepted T.A.R.P (Troubled Asset Relief Program) funds.   Why was it necessary to reward the executives of such a poorly run company with taxpayer funded money?
Today, having heard the hue and cry from the huddled masses yearning to stay afloat financially, Congress is looking toward a tax to in an attempt to recoup the money.  Treasury Secretary Geithner said he would withhold $165 million from the next $30 billion payment the firm is scheduled to receive.  That's all well and good, but what about the 73 executive who've already received their bonuses?  Will AIG do the right thing and ask that the bonuses be returned?  Don't hold your breath.  

AIG is said to be too big to fail, but one has to wonder what would happen if we let them fail?  

Friday, March 6, 2009

Zach Wamp is Wrong

Healthcare is right, not a privilege for those who can afford it. No American should have to choose between paying for food, clothing, or shelter at the expense of paying for healthcare. Zach Wamp, the U.S. Representative from the Third Congressional District of Tennessee, feels that healthcare is a privilege.  Interesting considering his healtcare is paid for by the American taxpayers, many of whom cannot afford healthcare for themselves!  Those that don't have healtcare end up using the emergency room as their primary care provider - this leads to longer wait times in the ER and ties up staff that could be treating emergency cases.  The ER is not exactly cheap either and the cost is passed on to the rest of society because the hospital is still require to treat patients regardless of their ability to pay. This leads to higher healthcare costs for those that are insured.  Enough is enough, the time has come for healthcare reform.   It's a right, not a privilege. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Performance Enhancing Drugs Will Not Make You a Major Leaguer

The hardest thing to do in sports is hitting major league pitching. Performance enhancing drugs, aka steroids will not help you do this. Steroids allow you to work out harder and longer, recover quicker from your workouts, and recover faster from injury. Major league baseball players are elite athletes, they are born with that ability; it did not come from a syringe.

Much has been made about the revelation that New York Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003. Mr. Rodriguez admitted to using performance enhancing drugs from 2001 to 2003. His rationale was that he wanted to justify his 252 million dollar contract. Mr. Rodriguez earned that contract based on his prior play, not public perception of his ability. Mr. Rodriguez was in the majors for several years with the Seattle Mariners and signed with the Texas Rangers as a free agent for 252 million dollars over 10 years. The contract was based on his production as a baseball player making the most of his natural ability.

If the average person on the street were to take performance enhancing drugs, he would gain size and strength, but not the ability to hit major league pitching. Since this is the case, why do we call them performance enhancing drugs?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pass the stimulus, please

Trickle-down economics is a guaranteed path to our country’s future economic failure. The concept of providing tax cuts and other benefits to business and rich individuals didn’t work in the 1980s, nor did it help our country progress in the past eight years. So why would it work now?

GOP senators claim the president won’t work with them on the stimulus, yet Obama has visited Capitol Hill, invited them to the White House and requested their input. To the GOP in Washington, bipartisan cooperation means ‘do what we want or we will obstruct and hijack progress’. When asked if the Congressional republicans had a solution, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), said they would roll out their plan in stages at a later date.  What he meant was we don't have a plan, we just want to derail the democrat's plan.  If you have a better idea, present it now, and let it stand or fall on its own merit. It’s very easy to vote no, but you should explain why and offer a better plan. It seems as though the republicans are content to be obstructionists for the next to years in hopes of winning seats and regaining control of Congress in 2010. Shouldn't the republicans work with the president to help stimulate the economy?

Trickle-down economics has been tested and failed, yet republicans continue to push the same ideas. We’ve partially nationalized our banks, handed out billions to banks and the auto industry, consumer confidence has fallen, stores are closing, jobs are lost daily, and states are seeking relief from the federal government, yet republicans still believe that eliminating estate taxes, capital gains taxes, and lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthiest Americans is the solution to our economic problem. This is a self-serving notion that will do nothing to improve the lot of the average American.  Ask yourself, 'are you better off today than you were eight years ago?' The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Whatever Happenend to Shame or Why is Former Gov. Blagojevic on Letterman?!?

Once upon a time in this country, there was a thing called shame and it worked like this - you do something wrong, get caught, and get punished.  Shame would kick in after getting caught and the subsequent punishment served to rehabilitate you and magnify the shame you were feeling as a result of getting caught doing something wrong.  Former President Nixon resigned in disgrace as a result of the Watergate scandal and largely spent the rest of his life out of the public eye.  That's how shame works.   Shame no longer works, because Mr Blagojevic was on Late Night with David Letterman trying to portray himself as an innocent man who was railroaded out of office, rather than a man who was impeached, convicted, removed from office and barred from holding public office in the state of Illinois. Thankfully, Dave was having none of that - at one point, he cut Mr Blagojevic off after he asserted that he did not have a fair trial - Dave said "that's not entirely true."  Mr Blagojevic said he was unable to call witnesses that would prove his innocence.   It seems reasonable to assume that the impeachment trial was an opportunity to call said witnesses .  Rather than do that, the former governor chose to go on the talk show circuit to poison the potential juror pool for his upcoming trial.   Shame would have caused Mr Blagojevic that leave the state  (or Chicago, at least) and try to rehabilitate his image.   However, Mr Blagojevic has no shame.

Another one (two actually) bites the dust

Today was not a good day for the home team in The District and I don't mean the Wizards or the Capitols.  Not one, but two of President Obama's  cabinet nominees withdrew today due to tax issues.  One has to wonder about the vetting process because this is the third person to withdraw due to some sort of misbehavior.  Much of the blame is being placed at the feet of the Obama team and they do have their fair share of blame, however, former Senator Daschle and Ms Killefer should shoulder a sizable portion of culpability as well because they should have disclosed this immediately upon learning they were under consideration for Cabinet positions and removed themselves from consideration.  Had they put country first, they would have spared themselves, their families, their supporters, and the president a great deal of embarrassment. 

Friday, January 30, 2009

Lily Ledbetter

Earlier this week, President Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay  Act.  This states the 180 day statute of limitations for pay discrimination resets with each discriminatory paycheck .

The House passed it 247 to 171 and the Senate passed it 61-36 - this included every Democratic senators (except Ted Kennedy who missed the vote due to health issues) and all four female Republican senators. Every male Republican senator except Arlen Spector of PA voted against the bill. 

Equal pay for equal work.  It's not a difficult concept to grasp.    

What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate

Recently, Rush Limbaugh had the audacity to openly hope that President Obama and/or his policies would fail.  

Evidently, Oxycontin has a longer half-life than previously thought because anyone who would openly wish failure on the president when we are in such dire economic times is under the influence of some heavy duty pharmaceuticals. 

Whether or not you like President Obama and his policies, you should hope and pray for his success.  When he succeeds, we all succeed.  Hoping for failure is un-American and just plain mean.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The World Is Watching You, Nashville

Today Nashvillians will go to the polls to decide the fate of the English Only Amemdment to the Metro Charter.  

Do the right thing, please vote NO.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Is Kurt Warner the only Christian in the NFL?

Did the Arizona Cardinals win because Warner is a Christian?  No, they won because they were the better team that day.  They made the plays they had to make when they had to make them.

You wouldn't necessarily know it by listening to the media, but every team in the NFL has Christian players on their roster.  Does this mean teams with more Christians are God's favorites and that they will always win?  No.  The better team usually wins in the NFL.  On those rare occasions when the better team doesn't win, it's because the better team made mistakes, turned the ball over, or hurt themselves with penalties. 

No matter which team wins Super Bowl XLIII,  God will be glorified.  

Go Steelers!

Congratulations Mr President.

Thank God for the peaceful transition of power.  

What an amazing, uplifiting, inspiring, powerful speech.  It was at once a call to arms, a wake up call, an acknowledgement of our past triumphs and struggles, a push to do better, and if you were paying attention, a stinging repudiation of the past eight years.  

The talking heads on the networks will say that President Obama's speech didn't soar, that's not what we need right now, these are serious times with serious problems and we need to stop thinking and bickering like children, but instead grow up, act like adults and put away childish thinking and bickering. 

It's time to go to work; we must rebuild our great nation.

God bless President Obama and the United States.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dr King

Today is the official celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday.  Friday was his actual birthday and today is the government holiday.  How fitting that the Federal holiday falls on the eve of the inauguration of the nation's first black President. Maybe we have overcome, maybe we haven't but either way, this is a step in the right direction. Racism, bigotry, and prejudice aren't dead, but we can certainly hope they're on their last legs.  It's about time.  

President Bush's Last Day

Today is President Bush's last full day in office, at noon tomorrow, his term will end and his successor will be sworn in.  During his eight years in office, Mr. Bush has received a lot of criticism for his policies and perceived shortcomings both personal and professional.  At his core, Mr. Bush is by all accounts, a fundamentally good and decent man - a decent man who was ill served by his closest advisers.  Mr. Bush promised to be a uniter and not a divider, unfortunately, he has proven to be the opposite.   We are more divided today than we were eight years ago.  In the days, weeks, and months after 9/11, we were truly united in the fight against terrorism.  Somewhere along the way, the train went off the tracks and we lost sight of our ultimate goal  (the end of terrorism) and became caught up in a bizarre teenage rebellion.  Mr. Bush consistently ignored the one man who knew more about Iraq, the  Middle East, and the pressures of the Presidency - his father.  Mr. Bush used his father's presidency as a reverse playbook,  everything his father did, he did the opposite - all in the name of being re-elected.It's been said that Bush 43's advisers  saw his father's term as a failure because he lost his bid for reelection; therefore, they would do the opposite of what Bush 41 did.  Sometimes Father does know best, had Bush 43 listened to Bush 41 we might not have been caught up in our present mess. Bush 41 could have taken Saddam out during the first Gulf War; however, he left him in power because you can't replace something (Saddam) with nothing(what we've done).  General Powell knew this  and explained it thusly with his Pottery Barn analogy, you break it, you own it. General Powell learned in Vietnam that when you go to war, you must have a defined mission, an obtainable goal, an exit strategy, and overwhelming force. Unfortunately, Mr. Bush's closet advisers did not learn this lesson because they weren't there.  Mr. Rumsfeld wanted to use a much smaller force and failed to formulate a plan to secure the country, maintain order,  provide services, and win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. The spread of Democracy is a noble goal, however, it's not something that can be exported and given to people. People must seek democracy for themselves.  

History will judge Mr. Bush harshly for several reasons, the economic collapse, the war in Iraq, his obtuse handling of Hurricane Katrina, and various administrative shenanigans - politically motivated hiring and firing in the Justice Department, Abu Ghraib, an out of control Vice President, and torture.  

In recent interviews, the President and Vice President have tacitly admitted to torturing detainees in violation of the Geneva Convention.  The Geneva Convention was skirted by saying the detainees weren't soldiers, but enemy combatants, therefore, the Geneva Convention didn't apply.  In order for America to have moral authority, our conduct must be transparent and beyond reproach.  We cannot torture.  Anyone.  Experts have shown torture does not work, the information obtained is simply not reliable.  This is why we don't allow coerced confessions as evidence in a court of law.  Since the President and Vice President have all but admitted to condoning torture, what do we do about it?  We have two choices:  1. we can do nothing or 2. we can investigate and prosecute if warranted.   If we choose the former, we must ask what happens to our moral authority if we do nothing.  If we choose the latter, we must ask ourselves is it worth it.  Such an investigation and subsequent prosecution threatens to further divide our great nation.  Is it worth it? 

God Bless President Bush - a fundamentally good and decent man who on some level deserves better.  So do the American people. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

English Tantum est Bardus , commodo suffragium Haud!

Mos quispiam commodo dico peius - edoctus populus secundum English Tantum ut suus adoption mos loco Nashville in ledo of Titulus VI of Civilis Vox factum? Es nos iens ut eruo Parthenon is est a restituo of exemplar in Cupiditas? Quis super Demonbreun St , nomen pro Jacques Timothe Demonbreun , mos is have futurus renamed? Quis super Ten Commandments in Metro Courthouse , mos illud have futurus reddo ex Hebrew ut English? Quis super NashVILLE ipsum , villa est a Fanaticus vox? Mos nos have ut rechristen ourselves Nashborough? Oh exspecto , nos quoniam Nashville secundum Revolutionary Bellum ut plures American civis occumbo borough boro (British) in ventus of villa (fanaticus). Habenae futurus protego suus civitas , respicio vulgaris tutaminis , tempero ineo , quod succurro qui cannot succurro themselves. Obduco of English Tantum would vilis abdico of hoc.

English Only is Stupid. Please vote NO!

Will someone please tell the ill-informed people behind English Only that its adoption will put Nashville in violation of Title VI of The Civil Rights act? Are we going to raze The Parthenon - it is a replica of the original in Greece? What about Demonbreun St, named for Jacques Timothe Demonbreun, will it have to be renamed? What about the Ten Commandments on the Metro Courthouse, will those have to be translated from Hebrew to English? What about NashVILLE itself, ville is a French word? Will we have to rechristen ourselves Nashborough? Oh wait, we became Nashville after the Revolutionary War when many American towns dropped -borough/boro (British) in favor of -ville (French). Government exists to protect its citizens, provide for the common defense, regulate commerce, and help those who cannot help themselves. Passage of English Only would mean the abdication of the latter.

Goodnight, Farewell, Amen

President Bush gave his Farewell address to the nation tonight.  Evidently, denial is not just a river in Egypt, it's where the President lives.  It's ironic that a man who says he doesn't read and isn't concerned about how history will view him, he's spending a lot of time burnishing his legacy.  

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wither the GOP?

The Tennessee House of Representatives elected a new Speaker today, Kent Williams, R - Elizabethton.  Mr Williams defeated fellow Republican Jason Mumpower of Bristol.  Mr Williams had the backing of the House Democrats and essentially broke the tie by voting for himself.   For his trouble, Mr. Williams is now persona non grata in GOP circles.  (Is that a bad thing?) This is a good move, we have real problems and we need to work together and not against each other to solve them.  This is not the time for divisiveness - our current economic situation doesn't care about skin color. 
The state GOP plans to expel Mr Williams from the party; there are no words to describe the absurdity of their action.  After hearing this, it's easy to see how someone like Chip Saltsman could possibly have a shot at being the National GOP chairman.  Is there any wonder as to why the GOP was routed Nov. 4th?  By now, it should be patently obvious that the GOP does not care about reaching out and becoming more diverse.   This may turn out to be a fatal mistake because our country is becoming more, not less diverse.   Must Tennessee be behind the curve?  Hopefully, the TN state House can work with and not against Gov. Bredesen get us through this difficult time. 

The end of our long national nightmare

Illinois has two US Senators.  Senate Democratic leaders said that Roland W. Burris will be seated thus resolving our long national nightmare.   Senator Burris is nothing if not persistent - he's run for Mayor of Chicago (once), the US Senate (once) and the job he really must have wanted, Governor of Illinois (3 times) losing each time.  He seems like a nice guy, but he comes across as whiny and pathetic on television.  That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.  Mr. Burris is being used by that immaculately coiffed, foul-mouthed, greedy, incompetent hack known as the embattled governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich.  He was only appointed in a desparate attemp to curry favor with and build support in the black community.  This appointment was the governor's way to strike back at President-elect Obama, Senate Democrats (both of whom thought he should resign), and  Jesse Jackson, Jr ( who informed on him), and Decency and Common Sense.  It's fairly safe to assume that before he was indicted, Gov. Blagojevich had no intention of appointing Mr Burris to Obama's seat.  Hardly anyone outside Illinois state politics and the Burris family had even heard of him.  How did he suddenly become so qualified to be the junior senator from Illinois? 

Random thought

President Bush gave his final news conference today.


Only 7 more days left until the inauguration of our 44th President!  

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm sorry what?

Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, aka "Joe the Plumber" can now add reporter to his resume.   It seems some conservative website sent him to Gaza to report on the war.  Joe the reporter feels the media shouldn't report on war - hey Joe, you're in the media reporting on the war!  That, boys and girls is the definition of irony.