Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day

It's been said that freedom isn't free - that's something almost all of us can agree on.  Our freedom came at great cost.  The cost being the lives of brave men and women who fought and died so that we might live in a free country.

Living in a civilized society isn't free either, that price must be paid in taxes.  Without taxes, we wouldn't have roads, schools, utilities, water and sewer service,  police protection, fire protection, military protection, higher education, federal insurance of bank deposits,  and other government services like driver's licences and social security.  Today is April 15, also known as tax day - no one likes paying taxes, however, what kind of country would we have if we didn't have taxes?  How would we pay for roads and schools?  Who would protect us from crime?  Would we have bucket brigades to fight fires?  Who would defend the country?  

I recently came across a statement in a book I'm reading that said no one is a self made man, he is building on the work of others.  Donald Trump didn't start from scratch, he built up the company his father started. Yahoo and Google didn't invent the internet, scientists in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's  laid the foundation of today's internet.  How were thoses scientists funded?  Taxes.  Everyone has an obligation to give back to help future generations, taxes are a means to achieve that end. If we didn't have taxes, we wouldn't have government.  Without government, we would descend into anarchy, chaos, and lawlessness.  As mauch as I dislike taxes, I dislike anarchy, chaos, and lawlessness more.  

1 comment:

  1. The people involved in this are a dangerous minority. Lest we forget April 19th approaching...a landmark day for right wing extremists...Hitler's birthday, the Mural Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma. Homeland Security issued an alert to state and local police dept's Monday to monitor these loons. All of this is cloaked under the guise of federal spending. Beware of an old dixie ideology woven into this blanket. It smells like swine.
