Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Whatever Happenend to Shame or Why is Former Gov. Blagojevic on Letterman?!?

Once upon a time in this country, there was a thing called shame and it worked like this - you do something wrong, get caught, and get punished.  Shame would kick in after getting caught and the subsequent punishment served to rehabilitate you and magnify the shame you were feeling as a result of getting caught doing something wrong.  Former President Nixon resigned in disgrace as a result of the Watergate scandal and largely spent the rest of his life out of the public eye.  That's how shame works.   Shame no longer works, because Mr Blagojevic was on Late Night with David Letterman trying to portray himself as an innocent man who was railroaded out of office, rather than a man who was impeached, convicted, removed from office and barred from holding public office in the state of Illinois. Thankfully, Dave was having none of that - at one point, he cut Mr Blagojevic off after he asserted that he did not have a fair trial - Dave said "that's not entirely true."  Mr Blagojevic said he was unable to call witnesses that would prove his innocence.   It seems reasonable to assume that the impeachment trial was an opportunity to call said witnesses .  Rather than do that, the former governor chose to go on the talk show circuit to poison the potential juror pool for his upcoming trial.   Shame would have caused Mr Blagojevic that leave the state  (or Chicago, at least) and try to rehabilitate his image.   However, Mr Blagojevic has no shame.

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